From The Barber’s Diaries
“Forty years old today by Jingo. Looking back over those years have brought many revelations. Youthful dreams have failed of materialization and stern realities have replaced them. Many mistakes have been made which are daily exacting their certain toll and are holding back my onward progress but with experiences gained in those years transformed into wisdom in the future I yet declare that my next forty years shall not be ineffective in service to my Maker, mankind and my own family. Many things I have to be thankful for. A happy home and family, a good business and perfect health – much to be thankful for. I am very grateful to my Maker that my faith in Him has sustained and soothed me in my trials and each day I will try to deepen that faith that in my affairs there shall be no doubts nor fears but shall labor onward and upward that my life shall be a successful one. Forty years in number are many but in one’s life filled with varied experiences they are not many but in that span one either has his plan well laid or is drifting. Mine is planned in detail and my future efforts shall be its maturity.”
“Man is what he thinks, not what he says, reads, or hears. By persistent thinking, however, in the right away, the way of truth, you can undo any condition which exists. You can free yourself from any claims, whether of poverty, sin, in health or unhappiness.”
“Believing that Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom and boundless love for mankind, has endowed each normal being with infinite powers that only await development; and, that these powers are only developed by rigid self-discipline and self control; and, that through persistent effort one can develop all of his powers and successfully handle himself with all the powers which constitute a full and effective life, I hereby set forth some resolutions which I hope to build into permanent habits within my own being.
1. Daily reading of the Bible; prayer and meditation
2. Constant seeking for wisdom and understanding
3. Development of will-power and constructive thinking
4. Effective reading with development of memory
5. Concentration upon all matters at hand
6. Infinite pains unto the smallest detail
7. To look upward and onward – never downward nor backward
8. To properly value time and perseverance
9. Promptness and decision where needed
10. To speak clearly and express accurately”
“Many of God’s greatest apostles of thought and feeling and action have come from the humblest stations. But the most insuperable difficulties have not long been obstacles to them. These greatest of difficulties are true men’s greatest helpers – they stimulate powers that might have lain dormant all though life, but often have readily yielded to the stout and reliant heart. There is no greater blessing in the world than poverty, which is allied to self-reliance and the spirit of self-help.”
“When things get bad, so very bad that worse they could not be, hold fast to hope, cling hard to faith, that someway out you’ll see.”
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